Pauline's Kitchen
Italy's very own Blue Zone

Italy's very own Blue Zone

Ah, Blue Zones! There are these remarkable regions around the world where people tend to live much longer than average. And I am talking at 85 or even 90, but more like 100 and 105! Have you ever heard of them? 

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From Tuscany to Corfu: Traveling Through Books

From Tuscany to Corfu: Traveling Through Books

Like music and film, reading books can transport us to beautiful destinations, whether real or imaginary, nostalgic moments or future desires. From memories and romance novels to historical fiction, reading is my favorite past-time to immerse myself in the richness of Mediterranean culture, landscape, and history whenever I long for a mental escape. 

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New Year's Eve Mediterranean Style

New Year's Eve Mediterranean Style

As you prep for your New Year's parties and look forward to any traditions which you uphold on the final day of the year, why not have a look at how southern Europe celebrates theirs. Whatever your merriments may be perhaps, you’ll find be inspired to add a few more to your list! 

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Panettone vs. Pandoro

Panettone vs. Pandoro

So why the debate between the two unique cakes? Can't we like them both? Of course, nothing is straightforward in Italy, and Italians love an opportunity for a little innocent debate! Those with a simpler palette tend to gravitate towards Pandoro, while nearly 50% of the Italian population selects Panettone as the ultimate holiday dessert hero. Contrary to popular tastes and preferences, I choose both! 

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Colazione Italiana

Colazione Italiana

Italian breakfast at the bar is a daily habit for many people in Italy and has become my favorite morning ritual. From the smells and chatter to the sound of porcelain espresso cups clinking together, the minute my alarm goes off, I am headed to my bar of choice to get my morning breakfast fix and soak in each second of my vita italiana

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Sundays in the Mediterranean

Sundays in the Mediterranean

Everyone has their Sunday traditions. When the last day of the week rolls in, it is a chance to reset, recharge as well as relax before Monday returns us to the daily grind. Across the Mediterranean Sundays are seen as sacred not just for their religious tendency. They are grounded in ritual shared among family and friends. When looking into their habits as a whole, it seems that’s Spain, Italy and Greece are not at all dissimilar in their routines of this one day. 

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Campania Top 5 Hidden Gems

Campania Top 5 Hidden Gems

Campania is a region in southern Italy known for its rich history, rugged coastlines, ancient ruins, and delicious cuisine (think Margherita pizza, creamy pastries, and buffalo mozzarella). Discover five hidden gems in Campania worth exploring on your next Italian getaway. 

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The art of Italian hand gestures

The art of Italian hand gestures

Beyond an auxiliary signal to enhance a statement, the Italian gesture can be understood with no words at all. In a country where dialects can even differ vastly between 2 towns within 5km of each other, the use of the 250 hand gestures within the Italians ‘corporeal dictionary,’ is not only useful but also fundamental. 

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Adding Mediterranean Into Your Home

Adding Mediterranean Into Your Home

The scenic beauty of coastlines, crystal-clear Mediterranean waters, charming towns, stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, embracing la vita lenta (slow life), and delicious Mediterranean cuisine all contribute to the allure and enchantment of living along the Mediterranean. Who wouldn’t want to dive headfirst into this lifestyle? Sipping espresso in a cozy café while watching the world go by or getting lost between narrow streets makes one want to experience this lifestyle forever. 

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The Art of Siesta

The Art of Siesta

On that hot afternoon in southern Italy, almost like clockwork, the household rose from its slumber. My friend’s parents emerged from their room and began with the washing up, his sister and brother-in-law appeared, stretching away the last traces of sleep, and his nephew rolled off the sofa swiftly departing to meet his friends at the beach...

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La Bella Figura: Embracing Body Images in Italy

La Bella Figura: Embracing Body Images in Italy

My journey in Italy has taught me to appreciate the beauty of food, the beauty of life, and most importantly, the beauty of myself for who I am. To me this is what la bella figura truly is all about: getting dressed every morning with a smile on my face despite gaining a few extra pounds and radiating positivity and self-love, because after all, life is meant to be enjoyed, and Italians know how to enjoy life the right way. 

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Exploring the World of Backgammon

Exploring the World of Backgammon

Like many addictive games, Backgammon walks the line between skill and luck. You must always keep your wits about you and observe your opponent’s every move. But if two players are similar in expertise, the game becomes more about good fortune than good ability. Yet, it is not a game that grows boring the moment the rules are mastered. Its joyful social component and its wonderful straightforwardness show that it only takes a very simple concept to harbour a great deal of fun.

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Lady luck across the Mediterranean

Lady luck across the Mediterranean

Wishing someone good luck is a common adage bestowed on friends or loved ones throughout the world. But some don’t just take their chances and prefer to place their faith in symbols or charms which guarantee good fortune and ward off harmful omens. These vary from country to country, region to region and even household to household. Belief in these has often spanned centuries or millennia making for fascinating origins and uncompromising traditions. Here are some symbols across the Mediterranean which are considered to carry good fortune to their believers. 

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The Vespa

The Vespa

There are many rites of passage in a person’s life; their first kiss, their first-time leaving home, their first paycheque. For Italians, one more can be added to the list; their first scooter. At just 14 years old, they are able to complete their ‘motorino’ license and begin to taste their first delicious moments of independence...

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