Making it official comes with its perks.

Making it official comes with its perks.

Wine Subscriptions

Savings with every order.
Surprise merch with every milestone.

Save 10%

Subscriptions are an additional 10% off the already discounted bundle pricing — stacked savings! Re-up on your faves or try another wine between shipments at 10% off too.

Free Merch

Every few orders, we’ll include a little extra surprise in your shipment. Think glassware, totes and more goodies we’re cooking up.


Modify your preferred wines, quantity, frequency and drop off or pick up location — if being home to sign is a challenge.

No Commitments

Pause, skip shipments or cancel for free anytime. Email and text reminders make subscription management simple.

Happiness Guaranteed

If you're not delighted, neither are we. We’ll send you a replacement product, let you try another wine, or provide a refund.

Build your subscription.

How much wine do you want?
1 Box (=4 Bottles)
From $50.00 /box
2 Boxes (=8 Bottles)
From $39.00 /box
save 12%
3 Boxes (=12 Bottles)
From $37.00 /box
save 16%
4 Boxes (=16 Bottles)
From $34.00 /box
save 22%
Select 2 box(es)
Gratsi Red
Gratsi White
Gratsi Rosé



Please ship to an address where an adult (21+) will be available to sign for the package.

Already a subscriber? Manage Subscription

How do deliveries work?

Our subscription is the best way to experience Gratsi. This way, you’ll always have a box to enjoy, delivered right to your door at your preferred frequency.

Three days before your next order ships, you’ll get an email or text reminder with the option to modify your selections or frequency. Outside of regular shipments, you can purchase additional wines at any time and still receive your 10% discount!

If being home to sign for deliveries is a challenge, you can arrange to pick-up at a nearby UPS Store or other access point.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes, there are no commitments. You can cancel anytime or skip a shipment when you need a pause.

Do you ship to my area?

We ship anywhere in the U.S. with a few exceptions. We can't ship to Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Mississippi, New Jersey, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia.

All natural ingredients. No concentrates, coloring agents, added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

1 box = 4 bottles. 85% less waste & recyclable after use.

Stays fresh for up to 30 days after your first pour.

Zero sugar. Only grapes and their wonderful juices.