Paulina's August Update

Paulina's August Update
Our adopted baby water buffalo 🐃
By Achilleas
August 28, 2024

We hope this message finds you basking in the last rays of summer sunshine, much like our dear Paulina, who’s been soaking up every drop of that Italian sun! It’s hard to believe, but it’s already been a couple of weeks since our last update, and wow, has our girl grown!

First off, Paulina’s horns are now fully visible, standing proudly as she struts around the farm. She’s no longer just the baby of the bunch—she’s becoming quite the young buffalo, and it’s been amazing to watch her transform over these past few months.

But that’s not all that’s new with Paulina. She’s been making some new friends on the farm! She’s now spending a lot of time with the older buffaloes, learning from them, and finding her place in the herd.

And speaking of fitting in, Paulina has discovered a new favorite snack—corn! We’ve caught her happily munching on fresh corn cobs, savoring each crunchy bite.

Until next time, enjoy the last days of summer, and stay tuned for more updates on our beloved Paulina!